"Robin has a quiet, gentle, thoughtful, yet powerful and grounded presence and she brings that to her sessions and her work with people. Knowing her and experiencing her healing work has contributed to my sense of belonging and acceptance in the world, and helps me stay connected to the energy and power of unlimited possibilities in our world."
-Maja R., MBA, Reflexologist, Empathic Leadership Coach
"I have personally seen great results from Robin’s Reflexolo-chi™ and Healing Yoga. Reflexolo-chi™ has been an amazing modality to help alleviate my pain and realign my organs. Reflexolo-chi™ is a gentle modality that uses the feet as roadmaps to the rest of your body and was great for me when it was too painful to touch my back where my pain was. Healing Yoga is absolutely wonderful to reduce stress & increase flexibility. Robin teaches her class in a very personal manner where she will offer modifications to any pose that someone requests. Healing Yoga helps me get through my week because it allows me to de-stress and focus my energy on the things that need to get done in my life."
-Becca C., BSE in Materials Science Engineering
"Robin is a gifted and intuitive practitioner. She brings sensitivity, openness and creativity to every session and every class. Her understanding of the system of Reiki brings a depth of healing that supports health and individual/personal development. I would highly recommend Robin as a reflexologist and Reiki practitioner, as well as a yoga instructor.
-Rob M., Natural Health Educator, Licensed Massage Therapist
“Reflexolo-chi™ sessions with Robin always leave me with a new sensation and awareness of what my body needs. My experiences have ranged from ease of joint mobility (as if I was the Tin Man being oiled for the first time), to feelings of calmness and relaxation, to feelings of lightness and readiness. Reflexolo-chi™ was unfamiliar to me before meeting Robin, but has become a modality that I very much enjoy and appreciate for its healing abilities. Robin’s yoga sessions have left me feeling peaceful and calm. Her slower, more precise teaching style is a beautiful reminder that yoga is about more than just doing challenging poses. Robin's yoga classes always make me feel great, especially during high-stress times in the semester."
-Ellen H., MPH in Nutritional Sciences